Database Error
Message: MySQL Query fail: SELECT @rn:=@rn+1 AS rank, news_id, news_typeid, news_title, news_content, news_is_top, news_is_show, news_start_time, news_end_time, news_create_time, newstype_id, newstype_name, newstype_background_color FROM ( SELECT news_id, news_typeid, news_title, news_content, news_is_top, news_is_show, news_start_time, news_end_time, news_create_time, newstype_id, newstype_name, newstype_background_color FROM rabbit_news LEFT JOIN rabbit_newstype ON news_typeid = newstype_id WHERE news_is_show = 1 AND ((news_start_time = '0000-00-00' OR news_start_time <= '2024-05-05') AND (news_end_time = '0000-00-00' OR news_end_time >= '2024-05-05')) ORDER BY news_is_top DESC, news_create_time DESC ) t1, (SELECT @rn:=0) t2
MySQL Error:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'rank, news_id, news_typeid, news_title, news_content, news_is_top, news_is_show,' at line 1
Date: Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 1:54:02 AM
Script: /board_detail_48_1.html
Database Error
Message: MySQL Query fail: SELECT rank, news_id, news_typeid, news_title, news_content, news_is_top, news_is_show, news_start_time, news_end_time, news_create_time, newstype_id, newstype_name, newstype_background_color FROM( SELECT @rn:=@rn+1 AS rank, news_id, news_typeid, news_title, news_content, news_is_top, news_is_show, news_start_time, news_end_time, news_create_time, newstype_id, newstype_name, newstype_background_color FROM ( SELECT news_id, news_typeid, news_title, news_content, news_is_top, news_is_show, news_start_time, news_end_time, news_create_time, newstype_id, newstype_name, newstype_background_color FROM rabbit_news LEFT JOIN rabbit_newstype ON news_typeid = newstype_id WHERE news_is_show = 1 AND ((news_start_time = '0000-00-00' OR news_start_time <= '2024-05-05') AND (news_end_time = '0000-00-00' OR news_end_time >= '2024-05-05')) ORDER BY news_is_top DESC, news_create_time DESC ) t1, (SELECT @rn:=0) t2) t3 WHERE rank > LIMIT 1
MySQL Error:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ', news_id, news_typeid, news_title, news_content, news_is_top, news_is_show, new' at line 1
Date: Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 1:54:02 AM
Script: /board_detail_48_1.html


diy單品活動【電音鉛筆 電電Do Ra Me】 2018-11-26

【玉兔 電音鉛筆 電電Do Ra Me】預約專線:03-9653670#88 不限名額 (活動時間:約30分鐘)

課程費用:原價300元→優惠價250元/份 (若是10歲以下孩童報名,請1位家長陪同)


  1. 學中做,做中玩!趣味中學習。
  2. 透過互動式導覽,認識小小生活科學。
  3. 書寫 結合 音感,創作專屬樂章。
  4. 親人 與 愛人 的來電溫度計。
  5. 自己完成的科學作品,自己帶回家收藏!
  6. 科學實驗體驗:歐姆定律V=IR
  7. 電阻+電容 透過 喇叭 讓無形的頻率聽出來
  8. 非金屬也可以導電喔!

本活動採電話預約登記,現場繳費! 預約專線:03-9653670#88


