Database Error
Message: MySQL Query fail: SELECT @rn:=@rn+1 AS rank, news_id, news_typeid, news_title, news_content, news_is_top, news_is_show, news_start_time, news_end_time, news_create_time, newstype_id, newstype_name, newstype_background_color FROM ( SELECT news_id, news_typeid, news_title, news_content, news_is_top, news_is_show, news_start_time, news_end_time, news_create_time, newstype_id, newstype_name, newstype_background_color FROM rabbit_news LEFT JOIN rabbit_newstype ON news_typeid = newstype_id WHERE news_is_show = 1 AND ((news_start_time = '0000-00-00' OR news_start_time <= '2024-04-25') AND (news_end_time = '0000-00-00' OR news_end_time >= '2024-04-25')) ORDER BY news_is_top DESC, news_create_time DESC ) t1, (SELECT @rn:=0) t2
MySQL Error:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'rank, news_id, news_typeid, news_title, news_content, news_is_top, news_is_show,' at line 1
Date: Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 9:33:50 PM
Script: /board_detail_35_1.html
Database Error
Message: MySQL Query fail: SELECT rank, news_id, news_typeid, news_title, news_content, news_is_top, news_is_show, news_start_time, news_end_time, news_create_time, newstype_id, newstype_name, newstype_background_color FROM( SELECT @rn:=@rn+1 AS rank, news_id, news_typeid, news_title, news_content, news_is_top, news_is_show, news_start_time, news_end_time, news_create_time, newstype_id, newstype_name, newstype_background_color FROM ( SELECT news_id, news_typeid, news_title, news_content, news_is_top, news_is_show, news_start_time, news_end_time, news_create_time, newstype_id, newstype_name, newstype_background_color FROM rabbit_news LEFT JOIN rabbit_newstype ON news_typeid = newstype_id WHERE news_is_show = 1 AND ((news_start_time = '0000-00-00' OR news_start_time <= '2024-04-25') AND (news_end_time = '0000-00-00' OR news_end_time >= '2024-04-25')) ORDER BY news_is_top DESC, news_create_time DESC ) t1, (SELECT @rn:=0) t2) t3 WHERE rank > LIMIT 1
MySQL Error:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ', news_id, news_typeid, news_title, news_content, news_is_top, news_is_show, new' at line 1
Date: Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 9:33:50 PM
Script: /board_detail_35_1.html


預約【2019元旦在玉兔升國旗吧!】 許自己一個新鮮的未來 2019-01-28

歡迎大家! 2019元旦在玉兔升國旗

大家一起來迎接〝新的一年 & 心的希望〞,在國歌聲中為新的一年而努力


預約2019/1/1當天〝09:00-11:00 元旦升旗場次〞唱國歌迎新年+玉兔導覽活動



報名專線:03-9653670 #88 或 #14


08:30-08:50 報到,分隊
09:00-09:15 升旗隊形→升旗典禮→頒獎
09:15-11:00 導覽+DIY活動
11:00- 玉兔鉛筆學校畢業 & 開始新年的第二個活動




銀行:台北富邦銀行 羅東分行 (012-7406)




  • 名額有限:88位,額滿為止
  • 報名截止日:2018/12/24 17:00以前
  • 匯款確認點:2018/12/25 13:00以前 (匯款完成後請與玉兔會計小姐確認)
  • 參加升旗活動請準時於當天08:50前完成報到手續,逾時不候。
  • 若是報名繳費已完成,因故不克前來,請於2018/12/24以前通知,可辦理退費(匯費自付)。
  • 若是報名繳費已完成,並未於2018/12/25以前通知,恕不退還報名費,但可於2019/1月底以前〝以補差額〞方式參加玉兔【導覽+DIY】活動。